As Nahor was coming down the stairs, he slipped and fell.

Nobody was around to help him.

Neya was coming from the kitchen when she saw Nahor lying on the stairs.

She quickly ran to see what had happened."Nahor, are you okay? Neya asked.

"Neya how many times have I told you that you need to mind your own business?So go!"

"Nahor you have got a sprain.Let bring the First Aid kit,"Neya said as she ran towards the room.

Nahor was so tired of Neya's kind behavior.He knew that the sprain wouldn't last hours.

He knew that his leg would heal itself soon.

But Neya , due to her limited knowledge about them thought they were humans like her.

She didn't know what power they possessed.

But she would soon learn the truth.

She brought the kit and got the bandage and tied it around his leg.

Then he helped him to stand up and helped him to walk towards his room.

He hesitated at first but he knew he couldn't walk with out support so he accepted her help.

Then she told to lie down so that the sprain couldn't hurt but Nahor just sadly looked at her.

Feeling sorry for her because she was in the dark.