Neya then asked Nahor why he had brought her out there.

Neya had been so curious from the start. Nahor had just told her to follow him. Why wouldn't she he be curious.

"I don't have to answer to your question Now quietly sit there and wait and listen,"he said.

"Sorry,"she apologized. She did not want to offend him that why see apologized to him.

"It's okay. Do you see those stars?,"he asked as he pointed at the sky.

"Yes, I do. What about them?"Neya curiously asked.

"I wouldn't compare your beauty to theirs. You are more beautiful than they are,"Nahor casually said.

Neya looked at Nahor and blushed. Her cheeks would have turned red if she had not controlled herself.

Then she asked him,"What do you mean?"

Then Nahor looked at her and said,"That's the truth. I never tell lies. I hate one thing, lies. Please never lie to me,"Nahor hatefully said as he mentioned lies.

"Away from that. As l was saying. You have seen those stars up their in the sky. You would never imagine the whole new world beyond them. And one day I will take you to that land where nothing like the stars nor moon and sun exist."

Neya was already feeling guilty because of what Nahor had just said. He talked about lies. She was clearly lying to him. Now she had him say that never lie to me. How would she stop lying to him when she had already started. She wondered whether she should tell him the truth at that moment. But telling him the truth would mean risking everything. She did not want to take a risk or make a decision that she would regret in future.

Then she heard him say of a world far away with no heavenly bodies. What did he mean.

She knew the galaxy existed and of course the Galaxy was like the whole universe made up of stars. Then what did he mean when he said no stars

Where in the universe weren't there stars?Was he drunk?"she asked herself

She looked at him to confirm whether he was sober or not.

But he looked completely sober to her.

She stopped thinking about it and continued listening to Nahor.

"Just some time from now Neya you will be somewhere new. Somewhere beyond anyone's reach,"Nahor said as he continued looking at the stars.

As he was about to tell her something, Nahor sensed Sami calling him for an important discussion.

So he stood up and said,"I'm sorry but I ask that you excuse me. I think this is not the end of our conversation. I will make sure l create time for another one such as this.

Then he left.

Neya watched as that familiar figure walked away.

"What was he going to tell me,"she wondered.

She knew that what Nahor was going to tell her was important but some thing must have come up to make him leave so urgently.