Chapter 2 Ethnic Theory kills People

Hearing this name, Accardo made two subconscious actions. One was to touch the bayonet at his waist with his right hand, and the other was to lift his gas mask with his still painful left hand, and then turned back.

Kill this damn guy right here! This was the first thought that flashed through Accardo's mind. He knew who the person behind him was, and he knew what he would do in the future. Now is the best time to solve everything and kill everything at the source. This is the best way.

At this moment, Accardo even felt that he was deliberately arranged to travel to this time and place, and that he was given such a mission. This mission was to assassinate Hitler here.

His hand had already touched the bayonet, and the gas mask had been taken off and held in his left hand. Accardo did not look back, but still walked forward step by step. The fresh air entered his chest, making him feel like he was alive again. Accardo only struggled slightly and then completely gave up the idea of killing the person behind him.

Please, this is a troubled time, this is an era in which heroes and demons appear in large numbers. When I come here, the hope of living, the dawn of a career, and the opportunity to dominate the world are all in the person behind me. If you kill him, you might die in the First World War in a daze. Only a devil is willing to do it.

As for saving mankind and saving the Jews, Accardo has no personal experience. If the person behind him was Neji Okamura, the Japanese Emperor, Accardo would have killed him with just one turn... As for Hitler, Accardo has no deep-seated hatred.

Just as Western scholars do not care about the casualties of Chinese soldiers on the Asian battlefield and despise the suffering of Chinese civilians, as a Chinese scholar, Accardo also has a "nothing to do with himself" attitude towards the chaos and massacre in Europe.

Behind him, Hitler held Gu Changan's shoulders and held Accardo's military coat tightly. You can feel from the tight hand that his eyes must be burning and hurting now. Accardo released his right hand holding the handle of the bayonet, and used his less agile left hand to fold the gas mask and put it back into the box.

"Wait a moment! I have to stop for a few seconds!" He reminded everyone behind him loudly, and then patted Hitler's fingers: "Release it, I will squat down to tie my shoes."

He moved very gently, fearing that the back of Hitler's hand would feel pain after being eroded by the poison gas. Hitler nodded gratefully and loosened his tightly clenched hand. Accardo's coat had wrinkles on the shoulders, which shows how hard Hitler grabbed it.

Of course Accardo didn't tie his shoes. He picked up a rifle from a corpse on the roadside. God knows if the officer above would hang him for losing the rifle - and that's what Accardo thought. Speaking of which, carrying a rifle more clearly shows that he retreated to take care of his wounded comrades, not to escape.

He slung the rifle over his shoulder, got two more grenades from the corpse, and dozens of rounds of ammunition. After arming himself, Accardo set out on the road again with his army of blind men.

After walking for more than ten minutes, this disabled army finally found its regiment headquarters. It wasn't because Accardo was lucky or because he had the aura of a protagonist - no one could encounter more than 30 friendly troops who had collapsed, and they didn't even know it. If you follow, you are a fool.

"Mr. Rudolf, are you from the third company?" In the field hospital at the regiment headquarters, Hitler, who was briefly bandaged, finally calmed down a little and began to talk to Accardo incessantly. Accardo also finally learned about one of Hitler's bad habits - he talked a lot.

Come to think of it, how can a person who doesn't talk much impress so many people with his speech? He has no other weapon but this mouth. With his invincible mouth, he convinced everyone who met him, and a terrible party was reorganized and integrated by him, becoming a familiar existence.

But Accardo really wanted to slap Hitler in front of him so that he could be quiet for a while. He had too many things to sort out and too many contents to clarify.

Drowsily, Accardo still fell asleep. He was considered poisoned, so he confidently slept on the floor of the regimental field hospital - the bed was for seriously injured people, and his injuries were not even assigned a stretcher. , can only sleep on the floor...

The morning in the military camp was not satisfactory. Accardo, now a soldier of the German Army, was struggling to put on his old military coat with his right hand while helplessly listening to the nagging of his new friends around him.

"Jews! I have been thinking about it for a long time in the reserve army! It's the Jews! It's those moths that caused our defeat! Mr. Rudolf! They all deserve to be hanged!" Hitler got up very early because he couldn't see anything in his eyes and was in burning pain. The pain made him gnash his teeth, and his face became even more ferocious when he casually mentioned the Jews.

Accardo glanced at Hitler, coughed and said: "Hitler, you know, you are too narrow-minded! Some Jews are evil, which is right, but some Jews are useful to us, so we have to hire them with high salaries as our country contributes!"

"Nonsense!" Accardo's words made Hitler hysterical. He said angrily: "The Jews are pathetic and insignificant! They cannot be trusted! They are sucking the flesh and blood of our country! Do you know? They all deserve to go to hell. "

"Hitler! You have to understand that even the weapons we use to fight are made and donated by the Jews of our motherland. In fact, what we want to do is not to kill all the Jews, but to make people believe, there are no Jews in this world!" Accardo looked at Hitler with his unique blue eyes and said the above words.

Hitler was confused. He still could not understand Accardo's words well: "To make people believe that Jews do not exist? Isn't this just killing them all and destroying everything about them?"

"No! No no! Dear Hitler, these are completely two different things! I have a theory, this theory is called the Great German Democracy!" Accardo came up with a theory of national definition that only appeared in China many years later. In that time and space This theory has another name, called "Chinese Ethnology Theory."

"I am completely confused by you. Do you want to rely on a strange theory to eliminate a Jewish nation?" Hitler stared at Accardo with a puzzled look.

Accardo nodded. Now he must convince Hitler to accept his general theory of democracy, so as to curb Hitler's overcorrection of democratic theory: "Yes! Anyone who loves the great German Empire is a great German, and those who are selfish , despicable, cowardly scum, even if they are pure Aryans, they are by no means part of the greater German nation!"

"Then what means do we use to distinguish them?" Hitler was confused. His immature racial theory was completely shattered by the man named Accardo in front of him. He felt that there was nothing wrong with Accardo's words, but he also I really want to stick to my point of view.

Anyway, you can't be allowed to drive away all the useful Jews. At least you can't drive that Jew named Einstein to the United States. Accardo convinced himself with great determination, and then spoke to convince Hitler: "Rely on contribution value! If a Jewish engineer can produce tanks for the empire, then he is patriotic! And if a man only molests women on the street when he is full, then he is a moth!"

"I insist that most of those Jews are worms!" Hitler was shaken, but still insisted.

Accardo put his arm around Hitler's shoulders, helped him stand up, and walked step by step outside the tent, breathing fresh air while being persuasive: "Dear Mr. Hitler, this is another topic, which involves analyzing the problem realistically. This is a truth, everything must be told by facts, right?..."

The two chatted all day long. As patients, they sat in the distance and watched the battle intensify. The cannons rumbled in the distance, and the black smoke pillars on the horizon were terrifying. As large-caliber artillery shells fell one after another, the earth was trembling.

Hitler listened carefully to Accardo's explanation. For the first time, he felt that he had found a confidant. His vague nationalist thoughts were perfectly complemented by a new friend named Accardo. Although according to Hitler's own words, there are still some deviations in my thinking, but what Accardo said seems to be correct, very correct.

Hitler loved this country crazily, and his love penetrated into his bones, so he strongly agreed with Accardo's statement that people who can do their best for the entire country are good people.

As his theory gradually disintegrated, Hitler finally offered up one of the core bases of his theory: "But why, as a Jew, is my boss so shameless and despicable? He is simply a disgusting, dirty bug!"

"So, for people like this who don't do anything serious and always do irritating things at the most critical moments, we will arrest them and throw them into the mustard gas chamber!" Accardo felt that if the commander of the regiment could return the Iron Cross he owed to Hitler, humanity would be able to avoid at least three years of war.

"Thank you! You're right!" Hitler said as he touched his gauze-covered eyes, which were still burning with pain. He appreciated Accardo's ruthlessness and his words: "Catch them, Thrown into a mustard gas chamber!"

This sentence suited Hitler well.

"You are such a learned man." That night, before Hitler fell asleep, he said to Accardo, who was lying on the ground next to his hospital bed: "It is really a very good thing to know you."

However, after a day of conversation, Accardo roughly understood the current time and place. Hitler was injured by poison gas in this famous battle in history, which was when the Austrian Sixteenth Infantry Corps was about to retreat from the front line in a few days.

Early the next morning, the 16th Austrian Infantry Regiment began to evacuate the wounded in a planned way. A group of seriously injured soldiers were carried onto the train by the medical soldiers. They were to be moved to the rear to recover. As for whether they could go to the battlefield again, then only ghosts know.