
"Halo, Isabel," David said, greeting her in a light tone.

He couldn't remember the last time he had spoken to her, but that time Isabel had spoken first.

"David!" The woman greeted him as well. "Do you live in this building?" She also asked, making David show a strange expression.

It seemed that she hadn't even guessed that he was Audrey's younger brother.

Or maybe she guessed but didn't try to come right out and say it.

"This is my apartment," David replied, pointing at the door beside which Isabel stood.

The latter finally seemed to understand.

"So you're Dr. Audrey's younger brother," she said, showing a surprised expression again.

Of course, the students would call David's older sister Dr. Audrey because she did have that title.

Maybe next year she will get the title of Professor.

"Yes..." David nodded to Isabel.