University Again

David also ate the green rice while watching Audrey eat it.

The taste of the snack was not boring, so he wanted to continue.

"By the way, Jane has been visiting every day while you were abroad," Audrey said suddenly, surprising David because this was beyond his prediction.

"What is she doing?" asked David.

He couldn't help but be concerned because all this time Audrey had shown an attitude of not accepting Jane's presence.

However, Jane visited her regularly.

"Just visiting, bringing some food and clothes," Audrey replied.

"Ohh..." David showed a strange expression.

"You were with her, weren't you, when she came?" asked David.

He was worried that Audrey would immediately ask Jane to leave.

"Don't think of me as a petty person, I wouldn't be so rude to someone who was nice to me," Audrey replied, rolling her eyes. "Of course, I keep her company, she's over two hours every day in this apartment."