
As soon as their lips met, Evelyn immediately hugged David's body tightly while pushing her face forward so that their lips pressed tightly together.

It was an incredible sensation, indescribable in words. David's eyes closed for a moment and shone brightly when he opened them again.

His hand held Evelyn's ass, groping it gently.

In response, Evelyn's hands went into David's shirt, caressing his chest.

They suck on each other's lips so that their saliva flows into each other's mouths.

It is as if they have the same heart as their kisses actually match perfectly.

Their tongues then meet, caressing each other gently.

This did not stop until they were out of breath.

"Honey," David said after he broke the kiss.

He very rarely called his women with that word, but for Evelyn, she was truly special in his heart even though she was not number one.

Her charm was too overwhelming that it made his thoughts become uncontrollable.