First Night Part 1

When they entered the hotel, David and Alice went straight into the elevator.

It took them to the highest floor.

It seems that once a room is booked online, there is no need to see the receptionist to confirm and get the key.

The room key is directly sent to the booker via cell phone in the form of a QR code.

Sure enough, when stopping in front of one of the doors, Alice pointed her phone screen which was now displaying the QR code at the small screen attached to the door.


The door instantly opened, revealing a luxurious room inside.

Alice immediately stepped into it while opening her shawl, which then revealed her white hair.

She signaled to David who entered later to close the door.

After that, she sat on the bed with her legs crossed, watching David as the latter closed and locked the door.

David did this well as he started to enjoy the atmosphere.