
Since Enzo escaped with such a bad wound, his subordinates had no other choice but to run too.

They left their cars, going scattered in various directions.

It was as if they were being chased by a wild beast.

Perhaps that was true, but the beast was not chasing them.

He returned to his car, staring at the woman in the car who was silent like she had suddenly become mute as she stared at him.

"Is there something strange on my face?" he asked Isabel, choosing to joke to lighten the mood.

That Isabel was too shocked was understandable. She needed to be given time to calm down.

Joking at her was also a way to reassure her that he was no different despite his power.

His question was not something that Isabel could answer directly. Her eyes blinked a few times.

He then got into the car, not forcing Isabel to communicate.

He drove the car towards the University of Paris since Isabel lived opposite the university.