Roll the Die

"Welcome to the gameboard."





"You're oddly calm."

"It's moreso I can't exactly process anything, I'm just trying not to have a mental breakdown...who the fuck drugged me? Are any drugs this strong? Did I DIE? Am I in heaven? Hell?"

"No, you're in a gameboard."


"Listen, it may be your first time, but I've had to give this speech to so many different players now, so I'll keep it brief, I do not apologize for the incovenience."

She sighed in an overdramatic manner, and pulled what looked like a phone out of her pocket, she tossed it towards me, so I caught it instinctively.

"You are now a piece on this gameboard, my piece to be specific, so try to win for me."

I blinked in bewilderment as the phone turned on by itself.

"I guess you can consider us gods, though that's not an entirely accurate description, it's the best to save time, and we can't give all the exposition at once, basically, each of us chose a few humans to participate in various games for us, whoever's piece or pieces win, that person will get...a reward of sorts, so don't dissappoint me, or do, the reward this month isn't the best anyway."

"Month? This is a monthly thing?"

Without answering, the girl just vanished, she didn't even explain the rules of the game or how to win...I looked at the phone it declared that I was currently in a "safe zone", so at least I didn't have to worry too much...I think. It displayed my personal point counter, as well as a "team point counter", both were at zero. I could not view the point totals of whatever other "teams" there were, nor the individual point total of any other player.

With a sigh, I consigned myself to reading through a long list of rules, only to find there were none.

...So she WAS supposed to tell me the rules, but she just didn't, lovely.

With a sigh, I considered her words, for a "god" she looked like your average teenage girl, long black hair, her red eyes were off-putting but really the only "supernatural" thing about her. And she was in a school uniform, would a god really dress like that? I mean, I also look like an average good looking guy, is she just a god because she has big boobs?

...No, I can't be a god because no god would ever have a name as stupid as Pizaroru.

Anyway, I purged the unholy thoughts from my mind and refocused, she said describing her as a god "wasn't fully accurate..."

I was interrupted by a beep on my phone as the point counter for my "team" ticked up to 1, reminding me there was a game to be played, if I looked for a teammate, they could probably fill me in on the rules, she said she was "shortening a speech she'd said too many times" after all, so that was my priority...

But when I tried to walk, I found I couldn't, a button appeared on my phone that wasn't previously there, a "movement" button, I pressed it, and was confronted with a choice on "what die to roll", Displaying a six-sided die, an eight-sided die, a twelve sided-die, and a twenty sided die.

They also had numbers underneath them, well, the six-sided die had an infinity symbol underneath it, eight had a fifty underneath it, twelve had a twenty underneath it, and twenty had a ten underneath it.

My immediate conclusion was that the dice were limited, and I could only cast each one so many times, if this was like a board game, I would move a number of "spaces" equal to the number I rolled, but I had no idea what counted as a "space" in this forest of unknown size, with a sigh, I decided I should play cautiously, and tapped on the six-sided die...

"Time to roll the die."