The meaning of a name


That face ot complete desperation...of knowing you've been outsmarted, coming from the person who was so smug, I savored it.

"Sorry, But I'll be sending you to hell, Seven."

"W...what...but...there's no way you..."

"Of course I didn't have more personal points then you, even with the +2 movement bonus, but I figured, what are the chances of you having more then 15 personal points? Well, I've only seen you grab 6 treasures, and the game just recently started, plus you probably didn't grab 6 treasures each space you explored, because the number of treasures found in each space would probably vary, in order to make the game less "boring" for the people watching I covered my bases, and simply used a D20 D12 and 2 D8s, putting my total up to 16, naturally the worry then is that you'll simply fight back with your own dice, but by goading you into being so focused on the personal point totals, you forgot about details like the dice sacrifice. Your ego made it even easier, to be blunt, you were manipulated, just as you tried to manipulate me."

That expression of complete bewilderment...with a smirk, my hair grew back, short, black, a bit messy but still well kept, my features twisted from their previous ugly, almost distorted state back to that of my normal face.


"Secondly, this was your first lie, Seven, and a reason I should thank you." I turned around, my violet eyes closing as I spoke dismissively, my casual clothes were not directly changed, but all wear and tear on them (including the piss, yes) was removed.

"This form, and the forms of these pieces, aren't our "true forms", they're "how we view ourselves", correct?"

I turned to look at him, my violet eyes piercing into his golden ones, and staring right into his soul, he was sweating.


"I despise incoherent babbling, but I should at least tell you how I deduced it, right? Well, it's a bit embarrassing and crass, but, back at the start of this game, I pissed my pants, I was shocked by the die flying out of the phone at me."

He seemed confused, obviously, I wasn't finished my explanation, but I paused for dramatic effect, like any good protagonist should when delivering a monologue.

" the process of trying to pretend it never happened and ignore that I had pissed my pants...the piss actually vanished, like It never happened, but when I noticed that, it came back."

I sighed, still fixing him with that intimidating stare, his eyes were locked onto mine, as if he was transfixed, afraid that if he looked away for even a moment, he'd die, held captive by the power of my gaze and his own fear, the muscles of his own body shrunk, further confirming my theory.

"I used to view myself quite poorly...but then I realized, a situation like this? Where an underdog hero like me with an unlikely skillset that happens to fit the scenario gets involved...I am the protagonist of this story, so I will never lose, I must thank you for forcing me to realize that." I felt myself grow taller as I said that as well, towering over him. "And the moment I developed that strategy, sure enough, you lost, and now, my appearance is that of a main character, don't you think? But a new appearance...needs a new name...not one as lame as my previous one...the lame person I was dead...a name is an identity...and I killed my name, so I have killed my past self...Listen closely, Listen to the name of the person sending you to hell."

He did just that, even leaning in a bit to listen more closely, not that he had much choice, he was utterly overwhelmed, and his instinctive reaction was to just listen to the voice of somebody who actually knew what they were doing.

"My Eight." My grin was a perfect mix of pride, smugness, spite, and well earned confidence. "And you, are going to hell."

And just like that, the man passed out, the overwhelming sensation of losing, which he clearly wasn't used to in life, too much to bear, I sighed, shrinking a bit, perhaps his view of me in that moment had also enhanced my growth? Oh well, physical ability and looks are irrelevant anyway, but I do look rather good right now, I guess it's superficial to care about that though.

"Heh...I am...the main character of this story..." and with that, I let out a laugh, a wild laugh of a madman, who had been convinced he was perfect after just stating there was no such thing as perfection into this world. "Well...not in the real world...but in this world...perfection does exist..."

"And I am that perfection."