Main characters

Asher Williams : British man. Average height. Thin. Whiskey brown eyes and brown hair. Likes to clean shave but looks better with facial hair. Rocks the emo fringe since his highschool days and never changed hairstyle ever. Dyes his hair every 6 months and likes neon colors. Introvert. Socially awkward. Fandom nerd and very much an otaku. Owns a flower shop and works in it alone. Gay. Was bi curious for a bit but it didn't end well.

Dan Sparrow : Ash's best friend (only friend really). American. Blond. Hazel eyes. Average height. Owns a musical instruments shop down the street from Ash's flower shop. Straight and has a gf. Seems to always know what's going on even if he wasn't present when things happen. Its a whole thing. Very kind hearted and I'd give a kidney to have a friend like him.

Jackson Jaryd Donovan: The cool barista who also happens to be a good tattoo artist. American. Brown hair. Blue eyes and a reddish brown perma stubble. 5'5" . Fit. Plays the drums when he and his friends/band mates play at local bars. Had multiple relationships with women but none of them ended on good terms. Bi curious.

Zain Summers : Also a barista and a tattoo artist. Very much into fitness. Buff af and likes to show off his muscles by wearing tank tops. Hazel/mostly green eyes and dirty brown hair (like desert sand colored). Doesn't have a label for his sexuality but very devoted to his bf. Plays the bass when they play at local bars.

Jason Bênção : Also a barista and a tattoo artist. Portuguese. Brown eyes and black hair. Tall like a streetlight and thin. Pansexual. Loves his bf (Zain) but outrageously flirts with people (Zain finds it entertaining to watch). Plays the guitar when they play at local bars. He's what you call the "annoying extrovert" that introverts dread meeting.