Chapter 2

Later that day a guy who didn't look american walked into the flower shop. Ash looked at him and he looked familiar. "How can i help you?" Ash asked while smiling

"Oh its you!" The guy looked very pleased. Ash was perplexed. "The pink haired guy from earlier!" He smiled. "I'm Jason from the coffee shop".

"Ah! Hi Jason, I'm Ash." Ash smiled back. That is where he saw him before. He was working on a coffee machine in the back. "What can i do for you? "

"Tonight is Zain and I's anniversary and i was looking for something nice to give him with this wine i brought before a long night of epic sex" Jason wiggled his eyebrows knowingly.

Ash cringed. "TMI, man" he croaked. "It started sweet then went south way too fast".

Jason laughed. "Jaryd was right. You're cute when you blush".

Ash went even redder. " He said that?" He stuttered.

Jason snapped his fingers 3 times fast in front of Ash's face. "Focus, Ash. The flowers"

"Right! Right". Ash ran around and showed Jason what he had and what would be nice for the occasion.

Jason bought a bouquet and before he left he stopped by the door and looked in deep thoughts.

" What's up?" Ash asked .

"Where did you dye your hair?" Jason asked.

"At home. I have the supplies" Ash answered.

"Neat". Jason walked over to where Ash was standing. "Gimme your contact info" he demanded.

"Why?" Ash asked.

"So i can text you the address to come over tomorrow" Jason said nonchalantly.

"Why would i come over tomorrow? " Ash was dumbfounded.

"To dye my hair and have a beer, of course". Jason said matter-of-factly .

Ash decided it was better to go along with it. Those extroverts will be the end of him one day. So he handed his phone and got Jason's number. Jason walked out happy and whistling.

Ash texted Dan immediately.

- S.O.S

= What

- Jason from the coffee shop came by

= So?

- he bought flowers for Zain

= That's nice

-and forcefully took my contact info

= He didn't ask you for a 3some though, right?

- wtf no!

= So what's the problem?

- he said that i am to come over and dye his hair tomorrow

= Cool. You got yourself a new friend with mutual interests

- did i though? Or is this one of those "extrovert adopted an introvert" things you people do?

= You make it sound like we're some kind of creatures or something

- well you are!

= Rude. But that is besides the point

= Think of it as you growing your social circle

- I don't need to grow my social circle. I have you

= You need to have more than one (1) person in your life

- what if i embarrass myself over there ? You know how awkward and stiff i get.

= It'll be fine

= And before you spiral out of control, I'll give them a heads-up

- you're a life saver

=Also you'll get to meet Jaryd again

- what's that supposed to mean?!

= He's their roommate

- how tf

- They live in a 2 bedroom house.

- ...

= Gtg

Ash put down his phone when another customer came in but the notion of going over to Jason's place gave him so much anxiety. He went home early that night and spent a lot of time in the small green house on the roof just to calm his nerves.

The next day Ash got a text from Dan saying "order 3 cups of camomile tea" and so he did. Zain thanked him for the flowers. Apparently he loved them. And Jason gave him the order and commented on the black beanie he was wearing. To which Ash said he was having a bad hair day, which he was. He kept running his hand through his hair so much he ruined his hair so he opted on to just hide it and go about his day.

Dan showed up alone so Ash geve him a look.

"What?" Dan asked

"Where's your girlfriend?" Ash retorted

"She's not coming...? " Dan answered confusedly.

"Then whose the third cup of tea is for? "

"You " Dan pointed. " Because i know you're a nervous wreck. To calm you down. Look at you. You didn't even bother with your hair so you put on the beanie".

"ah" said Ash and downed the 3rd cup in one gulp.

Dan finished his tea quickly and as they were leaving the coffee shop when something caught Dan's eye.

"don't look, but Jaryd is totally checking you out right now" he whispered.

Ash went stiff and slowly looked behind him. Jaryd was indeed looking at him. Ash gave a little wave which Jaryd waved back and Ash almost practically ran out of the coffee shop.

Dan followed in pursuit and looked like he was choking.

"What?" Ash whined.

"Bahahahahaha" Dan laughed.

"Whats so funny?!" Ash asked

"I told you not to look because i knew this would happen" Dan finally said after regaining his breath .

"But you knew I'd look" Ash said while covering his face from embarrassment.

"Adorkable" Dan wheezed . "It's those tight jeans you're wearing" .

"But i always wear tight jeans" Ash whined

"Today's jeans are the tightest though" Dan said with a knowing look." If i didn't know better I'd have said you did this on purpose"

"But you do know better" Ash pointed out

"Sadly i do" Dan nodded solemnly. "Anyway i gotta go. Text me how it goes later"

Ash went back to his shop and got started with work. The day went by fast. Later Ash went back home to grab the hair dye gear and went to Jason's place. It looked nice from the outside. Ash took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Jaryd answered.

"Ash! What are you doing here?" He looked like he was caught off guard but is happy to see Ash anyway.

"Apparently Jason and i are hair dye buddies" Ash pushed a weak smile and tried not to sound like he was being strangled by his anxiety.

" Right right . Come in" and he stepped out of the way.

Ash walked in and was bombarded with walls covered with guitars. Acoustic and electric. All sizes and every color imaginable. "Cool collection" Ash pointed. "Whose is it?".

"It's all Jason's" Jaryd replied as he walked into the kitchen and came back with 3 beers in hand." He likes to collect every cool looking guitar he ever sees" he handed Ash a beer.

"Cool. Thanks". Ash took the beer and their fingers brushed for what felt like ages but was actually half a second when Jason came out of nowhere and interrupted.

"You came!" Jason exclaimed as he walked closer and hugged Ash.

"You're a hugger!" Ash was as stiff as a pole. "Yay " he said weakly as he mentally noted that this will happen more and more in the future.

Jaryd snorted. "Jason, let the man breath" he said as he sat on the couch.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry" Jason backed off." It's just Dan gave me the impression that he'll chicken out and not show up at all".

"Well Dan knows me like the back of his hand" Ash said as he sat on the couch near Jaryd.

"I'm glad you did show up" Jason grabbed the third beer and had a swig. "I've been dying to dye my hair for forever"

"Why though? Your hair looks great as it is" Ash asked.

"I know it's great but i want it to be Fabulous™" Jason motioned. " Like yours" he pointed.

"Thanks i guess" Ash blushed. He pulled out his bag full of supplies and put it on the table in front of them . "These are all the colors i had"

"Neat" said Jaryd as he looked through the bag.

"Cool" Jason looked through the bag too. "Awesome! I've always wanted white hair" he said as he pulled out a tube.

"Aren't you too young for that" Ash asked.

"Not the natural grey hair. White like Danny Phantom" Jason pointed out.

"I can see it" Ash finished his beer and stood up. " Where's the bathroom?"

"This way" Jason walked down the hall and Ash followed in pursuit. Jaryd stood at the bathroom door to observe.

"Take off your shirt" Ash ordered.

"Damn, Ash. Buy me dinner first" Jason laughed while Jaryd spat the beer he had in his mouth. Ash turned beet red.

"No! No!. I meant like I've ruined lots of shirts dying my hair"

"How many times have you dyed you hair? " Jaryd asked.

"Lets say I was on a journey to try all the colors out there" Ash said as he put on plastic gloves .

"And you redo it every time the roots come out?" Jason asked while Jaryd made a scandalized face.

"More or less". Answered Ash. "Where's Zain?"

" At the gym" Jason made a work out like motion.

Ash eyed Jaryd up and down." You look like you work out too. Why didn't you go with him? "

It was Jaryd's turn to turn red. " Jason said he needed me here"

Jason took off his shirt and Ash looked at the big tattoo on his chest. "Jack Skellington? Really?"

Jason looked offended " shut up i love that movie"

"So it's not because you love Halloween because it's a legitimate excuse to dress up?" Ash asked sarcastically while raising an eyebrow.

Jaryd snorted.

Jason pointed at Jaryd "shut up! You drew this!"

"At your request!". Jaryd said defensively. "I did a great job, you're welcome".

Ash laughed at them. He started combing Jason's hair and putting bleach on it. "How long have you guys known each other anyway?"

" We're childhood friends" replied Jaryd."

They told him all kinds of stories from their childhood and highschool years. All the shenanigans and mishaps that happened. Ash had a blast listening and Jason and Jaryd had this nostalgic look on their faces.

When they were done Jason had this satisfied look on his face. "I can't wait for Zain to see it" Jason said smugly.

"See what? " Zain appeared out of nowhere.

"Ash's handiwork " Jaryd said as he made this presenting motion.

"That's so hot" was Zain's response upon seeing Jason's hair . He had this look on his face that said DTF. They started making out then and there.

And with that, Ash and Jaryd fled the bathroom.

"So that happened" Ash muttered.

"It happens more than you'd think" Jaryd laughed. "All the walls are soundproof, don't worry"

So I've been meaning to ask : why is it always you that draws the tattoos but never you who colors them ?" Ash asked.

"I'm somewhat colorblind" Jaryd responded. "I love tattoos but i can barely color them if i tried. So i get one of them (Jason and Zain) to color them for me. We're all good at drawing but I'm superior" Jaryd said with a proud look on his face.

Ash chuckled and looked at his watch." It's getting late, i better get going".

Jaryd looked disappointed but reluctantly agreed. "See you at the coffee shop tomorrow?"

"Of course" Ash grinned and left.

Later he got a text from Dan.


- so?

= How was it?

-they liked "my handiwork" so much they had sex in the bathroom right after i left it.


= Right. And the visit in general?

- it was nice. 4 stars. Would recommend.

= Good, good. And Jaryd ?

- what about Jaryd ?

= Did he flirt with you or were you your oblivious self?

- i actually don't know...

= So you were oblivious.

- maybe. Probably. I don't know

= You're hopeless.

I'm thinking of getting the tattoo.

= Sweet. When ?

- I'll ask for an opening tomorrow

= Still the red rose ?


= We'll see how it looks .