Chapter 5

Ash showed up at the bar earlier than the others. He had two shots of tequila and got a little buzzed up just to kill his nerves. Alcohol always gave him a temporary boost of confidence. He wasn't a lightweight though. He could hold his liquor . When the guys showed up he was at his forth shot.

"What took you so long?" He said as he walked up to them

" Work? " Zain replied

"Not everyone can close up early, Ash" Dan raised an eyebrow.

"Well lets get going. We got songs to play" Ash pointed at the small stage at the far side of the bar.

"Are you drunk?" Dan asked, looking scandalized

"Just tipsy" Ash answered as he walked away.

"Somebody tell someone to record the whole performance" Dan waved excitedly.

"You're looking awfully delighted" Jaryd said suspiciously.

"Trust me, when he's drunk, Ash is unstoppable" Dan said as he followed Ash.

The others shrugged and went to the stage. Jason made sure that one of the bartenders filmed them while the others agreed on the songs they'll play.

"What do we call ourselves again?" Ash asked Jaryd as he was setting himself up on the drums.

"Magenta Latte" Jaryd said.

Dan set up his keyboard and Zain and Jason hooked up the guitar and bass then gave thumbs up.

"Hey guys, we're Magenta Latte and were here to play some covers. Enjoy" Ash announced to the crowd.

The music started and when Ash went " I'm gonna make you bend and break" Jaryd almost forgot what beat he was supposed to hit but he recovered quickly. Luckily he had a long space to recover or he'd have embarrassed them all. 5 songs later they were beat so they stopped. The crowd

cheered after every song.

"Up top" Ash demanded high fives all the way back to the table they had reserved for themselves.

"What did i say?" Dan said with a smirk

"Unstoppable" Jason and Zain said in unison.

"First round on me! " Ash announced as they sat down.

"Count me out" Jaryd said dejectedly.

"Why not?" Ash pouted. "You don't wanna get drunk with me?"

"Designated driver" Jaryd said. "Another time maybe"

Ash raised his glass. " Sköl"

Everyone look at Dan. "Norse for Cheers" he explained.

"Ah" "oh" "alright" and they drank.

After a few rounds Ash was staring at Jaryd with a strange look on his face.

"What?" Jaryd asked.

"I've been wanting to ask you how come you spell your name with an y?"

Jaryd opened his mouth to answer but Jason interjected. "Funny story. Jaryd's first name is actually Jackson. But he won't be caught dead with that name so he went with his middle name most of his life. Til sophomore year of highschool. He hated this guy who was also called Jared so he nagged his mom to legally change his name" Jason finished.

"That guy was a prick and you know it" Jaryd said defensively.

"We know we know" Zain nodded.

"Do you think I'm weird?" Jaryd asked Ash.

"Sweety, i walk around with a new hair color every 6 months. You can hate that Jared guy as much as you want i won't consider you weird". Ash scooted over closer to Jaryd.

"Did you just call him Sweety? " Dan teased .

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh" Jason and Zain went in unison.

Jaryd sighed. " Mordecai and Rigby, ladies and gentlemen".

"Hey i resent that" Jason retorted.

"Why?" Dan asked.

"He's saying I'm Rigby" Jason whined.

"Well you are the one who gets us in trouble" Zain explained.

"And Zain is the smart one in the pair". Jaryd said cheekily.

"Screw you" Jason paused for dramatic effect. "Jackson" he said victoriously.

"Alright i think everyone has had enough to drink tonight" Jaryd announced.

"You're no fun, Jackson" Jason called out

"Yeah it's Friday night, Jaryd. Loosen up a little " Ash whined while he was practically climbing on top of Jaryd.

"Get off me" Jaryd warned Ash. It looked like he was expecting Ash to puke on him any second.

"You want me to get off?" Ash laughed. "I'd get off but I'd rather we were alone for that"

Dan's eyes looked like they were gonna jump out of their holes and Jaryd turned a deep shade of red while Jason whooped and Zain boo'd .

"That's my cue" Dan stood up and he was followed by Zain and Jason. Jaryd held Ash's hand and pulled him out of the bar. They rode in Jaryd's truck and Dan was the first one to reach his house.

"I wanna stay over" Ash said out of nowhere. He was in the passenger seat.

"You sure about that? " Jaryd gave him the most bombastic side eye ever. "Won't you regret that in the morning?"

"What's there to regret? I get to spend the night with you" Ash shrugged.

"Let him stay" Jason cheered." Babe come on! " He motioned at Zain "Let him stay! Let him stay! Let him stay!" They cheered together.

"Alright alright! Geez" Jaryd declared defeat." No funny business though" he warned.

"You're boring" Ash whined.

"Never have i ever seen a guy cock blocking himself" Jason said and Zain nodded in solidarity. Jaryd pulled up near the house and killed the engine.

"You know ... I didn't see your room the other day" Ash hummed.

"Well prepare to be disappointed cuz it's as boring as he is" Jason announced as the walked inside the house.They went straight to the bedrooms.

"Bare walls" Ash said after he stepped in Jaryd's bedroom. He walked sloppily to the bed and flopped face first into it. "Your bed is better than mine though"

"How so?" Jaryd asked as he sat on the bed next to Ash.

"No embarrassing fandom bedsheets" Ash muttered honestly.

Jaryd snorted." Oh yeah? What else?"

Ash inhaled the pillow. "It smells like you" he said cheekily. Jaryd laughed. Then he took off his shoes and tshirt off.

"That's hot" Ash pointed out. "You got a sexy bod there"

"I know" said Jaryd as he opted to take Ash's shirt off.

"You said no funny business" Ash had this amused look on his face.

"And i stand by that. But i think it won't be comfy to sleep fully clothed" Jaryd pointed out.

"uh-huh" Ash said with a smirk. " Does kissing count as funny business? ".

" It's a grey area" Jaryd bit his lip.

"Maybe only your color blind eyes see it that way" Ash cupped Jaryd' cheek.

" Is that so?" Jaryd whispered.

Ash pulled Jaryd on top of him and started kissing him.

Jaryd pulled back after a bit. "You taste like booze" he murmured.

"That is the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me" Ash replied sarcastically.

Jaryd laughed out loud.

"It was an awesome night" Ash said as he scooted over.

" You rocked my world" Jaryd said genuinely.

Ash giggled. " Too bad i had my back to you and couldn't look at you hitting the drums. that would've been so hot"

"Jason got the whole thing filmed. I'll send you the video tomorrow"

"You know... I've always wanted to be the little spoon" Ash mumbled while giving his back to Jaryd. He was starting to drift.

Jaryd snorted. "Kinda ironic seeing how I'm the short one". He hugged Ash from behind nevertheless.

"This is nice" Ash managed then he was out like a light. Jaryd kissed Ash's neck softly and closed his eyes.