A Dream And A Way Out

The night fell upon that strange place. The sky appeared just like they usually see it at night, dark and starry. The wind blew gently. They could breathe normally without any difficulty.

The trees and plants were indeed somewhat peculiar, but it didn't appear terrifying. They felt almost at home, almost, if it weren't for the monsters they constantly had to face.

Fortunately, now those monsters no longer came to them. They were now in a clearing in the middle of the forest, surrounding a campfire. The conditions in this place did not require them to eat. They didn't feel hungry at all. But they were mentally exhausted.

Hael and Zigan began to tell them the truth that this forest felt much larger than the last time they came here. And of course, that information filled their hearts with even more anxiety. But since they had arrived here, they felt they didn't have much choice.