You think too much

Allison had finally succeeded in calling Eliza down from the room but when she got down, all she did was pace to and fro in the living room without uttering a single word.

"So," Allison began, "Who's the guy to you?" She asked.

"Felix is no one to me!" Eliza suddenly barked angrily at the thought of anyone misunderstanding their situation.

"Then what's up with the interactions so far?" Allison asked.

"I don't know. He likes calling me a vamp because I look so much like one and there's nothing I can do about it."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Allison asked.

"I tried to bring myself to but, I just couldn't. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. You're the one going through a tough time because of this. If anything, I should be the one apologizing." Allison said.

"Sometimes I feel being like this is a curse." Eliza stated.

"Don't say that. You're gifted. It's just that you don't entirely know how to protect yourself against their comments." Allison said and Eliza nodded, entering a warm embrace with her. "If it troubles you so badly, we can quit and start over somewhere else."

"No, I'm good. All these are just trials of life. If I run now, there will surely be something tougher awaiting me ahead."

"Just what I wanted to hear." Allison smiled.

"Come on, I'm starving." Eliza pulled her arm and led her to the door.

"Gosh, seriously? Is there anything in this world that you think of other than food?" Allison asked.

"There's dressmaking and then you." Eliza said and they both laughed trailing off to the kitchen.

While they were eating, Eliza got a call from an unknown number.

"Who's calling?" Allison asked.

"I don't know, it's unknown." Eliza said, surprised.

"Then go ahead and find out." Allison urged and Eliza answered the call.

"Hello?" Eliza answered.

"I thought you would somehow recognize my number and ignore me." This voice.

"You!" Eliza gasped and looked at Allison who mouthed a 'Who is it?'

"You're good at identifying through voices but will you know it's me if you don't see me." Felix said.

"I don't understand." She said,

"Miss Val, what are you doing?" Felix asked.

"Why do you want to know what I'm doing?" Eliza asked in response.

"I want to tease you this way." He confessed.

"Well sorry, I'm on my bed about to sleep." She lied.

"You're smart but I can tease in all ways. You must be in bed thinking of your next target to seduce, am I right?"

"I've had it!" She stood up angrily. "Look you, if you don't stop, I'll...I'll...I'll..." She stuttered.

"Wow! Such an attitude. Why didn't you act this way when we were alone in the elevator? It could have been fun seeing your angered nature." Felix said.

"You love teasing me, don't you?" Eliza asked not requesting an answer.

"As far as you're concerned, it's the best thing to do."

"You...argh!" She was completely defeated. "Just how did you get my number?" She asked.

"I'm your superior, you can't ask me such." He stated.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, pretty boy, but this isn't your workplace and so you don't have any power over me in the outside world."

"You think too much." He said.

"Meaning?" She asked.

"Figure it out or let it die down." He concluded.

"Then what was your purpose for actually calling me anyway?"

"Just to agitate you." He laughed.

"What?!" She exclaimed but before she could say anything else, he had cut the call.

"Silly girl, you're too fun to play with." Felix said to himself. "Why did I call her anyway?" He asked himself.

"How dare you hang up on me, you bastard?" Eliza yelled at the blank screen.

He had ruined her evening once more and it would make her lose her appetite. She sat on her chair forcefully and slammed her phone to the table before folding her arms.

"He provoked you that much?" Allison asked.

"Don't even ask." Eliza snapped.

"Well, if you're not gonna eat, I might as well have your share." Allison stretched her hand to get Eliza's plate but Eliza shifted it away from her reach.

"Who said anything about not eating?" Eliza asked.

"Jeez, with that outburst, you still got an appetite? Where did you come from?" Allison placed her hand on her cheek.

"No useless guy is gonna ruin my appetite." She said and looked up at the ceiling and yelled. "You hear that, Felix?! No matter what you do, I'll still be who I am!"

Felix sneezed and smiled in realization.

"Looks like she's already cursing at me." He said. "Silly girl." He picked up his phone and texted her.

Eliza saw the text and read within herself.

'Tomorrow's another day. Be obedient and all will go well.' it irked her.

"Be obedient? What am I, your puppy?" She felt really angry but gave out a sigh. "Let's hope so." She said and took her empty plate to the kitchen.

They did the dishes together and went to bed.

That night, Eliza couldn't sleep. She had a lot on her mind concerning Ze Ztar. What exactly would be the outcome of all this?