Her bold determination for a kiss

"What?" Eliza exclaimed as her face went blank in disbelief.

"Didn't you read the rest of the script?" He asked.

"Oh my gosh! I want out!" She snapped without thinking.

"But you're doing great." He said.

"I want out. I can't kiss Felix, he's going to drive me crazy with it. This is exactly what he wanted. He wants to use this to humiliate me!"

Eliza walked from left to right, right to left. Pacing without stopping.

"Relax, relax. Why are you so worried? It's just a kiss." Jellal pointed out.

"You don't understand." She pointed out.

"Make me understand." He demanded.

"I can't tell the others this but,.." She looked left and right before she whispered to his ear, "I've never kissed a guy before." She said,

"What?!" Jellal exclaimed, shocked. "That's impossible. Someone of your nature should have..." He stopped when he saw she was really serious about it. "You're serious." He pointed out.

"Do I look like I'm joking? What am I going to do?" She felt confused at the moment.

"Haven't you dated before?" He asked and she shook her head.

"It's a long story but what you should know is that it ended badly and I never kissed him." She explained. And shoved her fingers in her gorgeous hair, wondering what to do about this.

"You can practice with me if you want." He muttered to himself.

"What was that?" She asked, unclear with his words.

"I, uh, said you can always try to practice with someone." He changed his words.

"That's stupid. I can't just give a total stranger my first kiss, it's insane!" She stated and looked aside.

'And you're insanely gorgeous when you're stressed out.' Jellal thought.

"I'll have to meet him then." Eliza said, finally coming up with a solution.

"Wait, what?" Jellal exclaimed. Not exactly what he had in mind.

"I have no other choice. I have to meet Felix." She concluded. "Jellal," she placed a hand on his shoulder, "...you're the only one I see as a friend among you,...ugh, F dorks, so please don't join the guys to humiliate me when the time comes." She pleaded.

"I would never." He assured her.

"That's good to hear." She sighed and walked away. Jellal watched her from behind and sighed.

"All good things must surely come to an end, I suppose. I hope it'll be my turn soon." He adjusted his hat and walked in a different direction.

Eliza had wished Allison came along but as it is, it's fashion week so there's going to be much work to do.

'I kind of wonder, why didn't Felix use a different name in the play? Was it meant to be so because he's the male lead or...' Her thinking was cut short when she arrived at his doorstep. Everyone had their rooms allocated to them, even she did. It was just for the meantime till the whole shooting was over.

Eliza raised her hand to knock on the door but stopped halfway.

'What am I doing? What will he think of me? He's gonna feel so proud that I came to him and his suspicions of me being a vamp will be confirmed even if it isn't true. What am I gonna do?'

All these thoughts went through her mind and it made her go crazy.

'I should just go away and forget about the acting, I didn't sign a contract so I won't lose much. Just a scolding and maybe a decrease in my paycheck won't hurt, would it?' She was really not sure about it but she made up her mind and turned to leave.

Just as she was about to take a step away, she heard humming coming from the room. It was a very familiar tune and of course she could never forget who sang it to her.

Eliza turned and stared at the door. She could hear the humming clearly and it only brought back memories she had always tried to forget. In the state if confusion, she opened the door without knocking.

Felix turned to see Eliza, who suddenly barged into his room without permission and he smirked. He was wearing only a bathing robe but Eliza didn't seem to notice. She was just so concerned about the song he was humming.

"To what do I owe this 'pleasent' visit?" Felix asked.

"That song." Eliza said.

"What song?" He asked, his smirk falling.

"The one you were humming." She pointed out.

"What about it?" He asked.

"Where did you learn it?" She asked in return. Felix knew the origin of the song and it was between him and his brother alone.

"Why do you care so much about a stupid song? It's just a song I heard somewhere." He said.

"Oh! I see." She looked down. 'I must have misunderstood it. Anyone could have known that song. Besides, it's been five years already.' She thought, sadly. It seemed like she was still hung up to old memories.

"What are you thinking about?" Felix asked, suddenly standing right in front of her.


"Our rooms are far apart. You can't tell me you came all the way here because you heard me humming." He folded his arms. "Why did you come to me?"

Eliza suddenly grew anxious and wanted to leave because he would surely make a mockery of her once she revealed her intentions.

"I...uh..." She stepped back. "Nothing important. It's just..." She reached for the doorknob and wined it gently. She tried to open the door but he slammed his hand to the door pinning her in that awkward position.

"You must have had a purpose for coming here, am I right?" He asked but she didn't answer. She looked down and that was when she actually realized that he was wearing only a robe. Her face flushed red. "What's the matter?"

"You...you're on a robe?" She pointed out with a flushed face

"Oh, is it really now you notice me or you're just pretending?" He asked.

"I...I have to go." She said wanting to move but couldn't. He wouldn't let her.

"You must first tell me your reason for being here." He demanded.

"Cancel!" She shook her head.

"What?" He asked unclear if the whole situation.

"Cancel! Cancel!! I change my mind. I don't want to anymore. I can manage." She shook her head still flushed red. "I… I'll try my best. I won't screw it up even if it's my first time."

"Make yourself clear." He demanded and moved his mouth close to her ear. He breathed lightly on it making her really uncomfortable. She shut her eyes tightly.

"I…I just wanted to ask a favour."