Making the news headline

That Sunday evening, Eliza and Allison bade them goodbye. They had done stuff together, gone to places like the theatre and the beach and Eliza had already started suspecting a rat between Allison and Zack, although Allison couldn't notice it.

(Really, that's all she made out from their time together.)

"All's well that ends well." Eliza said, stretching out her arms and legs in the plane.

"That was a hunky dory stay." Allison also said.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Eliza rolled her eyeballs.

It was all so wonderful and the best part of it was that they helped both herself and Allison create new designs for the dress they would prepare for the fashion week.

All that was left was to make the dress. A task that would need time and that Eliza didn't have.

"I miss my bed." Allison said, throwing herself on the bed.

"Don't tell me the bed back at the villa wasn't more comfortable."