Broken Arrow

My head felt light, as the amazing scent of sakura blossoms entered my nostrils. It felt relaxing and I wanted to stay like that for a little longer.

but... aren't I dead?

I forcefully opened my eye lids, which seemed to be glued together. It was the first time opening my eyes, felt hard and painful.

My vision was foggy, like I had woken up in the middle of a mist. I waited for a few minutes for my vision and other senses to return.

My vision was still not clear as I was covered by a blanket. I removed my blankets and my eyes feasted on something good....


I became silent as my eyes blinked a few times to make sure I was seeing right.

In the same blankets as me was a beautiful girl whose beauty would be called matchless.

A perfectly shaped slender body with an average bust size, accompanied by soft fair white skin that looked to be bath in honey.

A charming long face that was perfectly modeled. Glorious long straight purple hair that gave of a mysterious feeling. 

As you have guessed, we were both.... in our birthday suits.

It was not the first time, I woke up with a mysterious beautiful girl by my side.

What shocked me was the purple hair she had and the locks of pink hair, I saw in front of my face.

I took my head of the bed and found myself in a nice bedroom.... But it was way bigger than any place, I ever lived.

Not to mention the clean and tidy interior, filled with items I never saw before. This was certainly the girl's apartment.

Confused, I nicely got myself from bed, minding to not wake up the pretty girl.

Memories of what occurred at the ruined castle, wear engraved in my mind.

Damn those believers! Who the hell chases someone for an empty scroll found in some ancient ruins! What was that scroll anyway!?

I slapped my cheeks a few times, just to make sure I wasn't sleeping.

"Mmm! I only had one dream in my life and this is not a dream..."

I could few a lovely lavender smell from all the weird items around the room.

Did the scroll teleport me to a random place... If so then no wonder it was wanted.

...but what is this shed of pink hair, I am seeing in front of me?

I looked at my body and found out everything was the same, fair white skinned and lean muscular body... Even down there was the same size.

I grabbed a book written on the desk near the bed, it looked mysterious and pretty at the same time, it was printed, [Griffin Mage Academy Teaching Guide 1] on its royal blue cover.

Abruptly, I was stunned, as it was written in the secret language of the Evester family, formed by the first Hero.

The language is called English and is only taught to every Evester descendant.

I learned it when I sneaked into the Evester library, I am even more fluent at it than most of my elder siblings.

But it's the first time hearing about Griffin Academy. The only Academies I know are the Magic Academy, Knight Academy and the Holy Academy in the Aurel Empire.

"Maybe, my body crossed the Ocean with no end," I slowly muttered to myself and thought, 'If I did cross that Ocean then, I am legendary'

I turned my head to look behind, and found a desk at the front of the room, with a nicely looking rectangular object. On top of that desk was a mirror.

It was a small fancy looking black heart shaped mirror.

I walked fast towards the mirror, and quickly looked at my reflection.

And as soon as my gaze fell on my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"When did my hair get pink and why is it nicely organized?" I blurted out with a frown as I played with my hair a little.

I was still the handsome guy who would still looked great, even if I wore clothes made from dirt.

Getting girls was not a problem, but staying with them would always be the problem.

Mhmm, I look much more pretty... the pink hair really has its own touch.

Whoever colored my hair, thank you...

I checked in the mirror again and find that my eyes were no longer bloodshot red, as a fine rosy shade of pink perfectly tuned them.

"This is a joke... right?"

My red eyes where the sign showing, me that I was a member of the Evester family.

No other person, beside members of the Hero's family could be seen with red eyes.

A few things, about the Evester family, came to mind.

Sakumo Hitashe Evester...

The name of the first Hero, who was summoned to The Aurel Empire by the High Priest and Saint, from another world.

From his book, [The reasons why I Miss Earth] was something about a bulb object that hangs in the top of rooms giving light at night, like its day time.

I turned my head up and saw light coming from a bulb shaped object.

.....This could be a considered, proof 1.

A rectangular shaped objects that showed naked people through them and red hearts showing up if you double click it.

"Ahh! Yes! Yes! oh my god!~"

I looked at the rectangular shaped object on the desk showing.... crazy people calling to god, while doing something ungodly.

I hate girls who do that.... It messes up the moment.

I forget my grudge with them, as I picked the rectangular object and double clicked it a few times.

"...Wow that guy is awe~wait for it~some.." I muttered as I saw hearts pop out on the object.... Yeah I wasn't looking at the hearts at all.

I returned the rectangular object making it face upside down, clearing my mind and thought.

I've been reborn.

To be precise...

I've been reborn to the world my greatest ancestor came from.

A world said to have no Mana at all, a world were there is no thrill, when one dies from getting old and from sickness.

Or getting shot, by this thing called a gun.

But Why me!

Why did I have to be reborn in 'this' world out of all the gazillion of unexplored and interesting worlds out there.

Was it because of that scroll? Was it a way for the church and temple to summon a new hero? Was it made by the first hero as a means to get home?

"Why I am even thinking?"

This is so not like me... I am the kind of guy who gives up at unsolvable questions.

"Haa..." a sigh escaped my lips as I shock my head in disbelief.

It feels more like a dream, than reality.

Its not like I know anything about dreams.

At least I got a new life. This is the most clichè situation I had been ever since I fought with the Demon king.

Turning back around, I took a few steps and sat on the edge of the bed in my birthday suit ignoring the sleeping beauty.

She looked pretty, too bad I don't know a god damn thing, I did to her.

My heart slammed against my chest at a very fast pace, like I was getting high on adrenaline.

The speed on my breathing increased as the gravity of the situation finally started to hit me.

"Aha hahaha~"

A small giggle escaped my smiling lips, 

...Of course, I was laughing

Its been a while since I truly smiled, as the Last Dark Mage there is no way, I am living without my magic.

I am that kind of guy sometimes.... too hard headed.

.... No wonder why I died.

I don't really care where I am. My life had always been empty since day one.

Its not like I didn't have anything. On the other hand, I had the worst life one could ask for.

Angelic looks, that made it easy to capture any girls heart.... Maybe I didn't have a lover, but I still had more fun than any married person out there.

Not forgetting the time my fiance got away with another guy.

A messed up family, I would kill its members at any given time.

Enemies also lurking in the corner.....

If I was normal I would have already broken a tear.

It wasn't fun at all...

It was always trouble after trouble.....

A lonely life... no one would never remember.

A life that would kill a normal person in a single day, if they dared trying to live it.

I never really felt connected to that world, except for my mother and master, but they are all dead..... that world is really nothing to me.

Maybe I can finally close this huge pit of emptiness dug deep in my heart.

I was scum, lowest of the low.

I have been a broken arrow since the day I was born.

Maybe I am playing part in a play, but it doesn't really matter, as I am crazy enough to mess up any plot.

Whoever put me in this World, should prepare for some punches coming towards his face.

When you fight a crazy person, you have to kill them or else they will hunt you down, for the rest of your life until you hit the ground.

Or maybe experience something far worse than Death.... like losing what you value the most.

Let the broken arrow rise, through the clouds.

Who ever you are, 

Know one thing....

You are dead..

No matter how long it takes....