From Game to Game

Dean Evester

The Lost child of the Evester family who was kidnapped by an Evil Dark Mage at Birth. Dean grew up to be the world's most evil person.

That's all is that's written about me, in one paragraph my life was already finished.

Not to mention, the lies that filled up that paragraph.

I don't remember being kidnapped and it will take someone with huge balls to actually attempt to kidnap me.

My Master, might had the chance to kidnap me, but he took in as his student gently.

Well, it might had been rough and filled with curses at times, but my master was a kind man... kinder than I will ever be.

Nothing about my mother is talked about in the Game and it just flowers the glory of the Evester family.

Its sickening how much that family of Heroes is praised, more like they were the gods of the world.

Don't get me started on the Shaolin Temple and the Caserel Church.

But, what shocked me was that the Demon King launched an attack on the Humans in order to avenge me.

Me and The Demon King were never in good books and just hearing that sounds like total bullcrap.

Funny thing is, The Demon King is killed by Luke in one strike, before the game ends.

I fought the Demon King before and I know how strong that red haired fucker is.

Making Luke the protagonist of the game, makes me want to throw out a bit.

I just have to find each and everyone, who contributed to making that game and give them a Dark Package.

A Dark Package is something Dark Mages use, to scare their targets. It may usually contains body parts of the target's family or deadly poisons.

It looks scary and crazy, but for those guys, they need the worst.

It might have been a game to others, but my past life felt real.

All the blood, sweat and tears, I poured down to my work.... amounts to only this.

No this is just the beginning of it all...


A small sigh escaped my mouth as I got out of bed.

I am angry at the person, who wrote down about my life, but there is nothing I can do about them at this point.

It is something for the future.

The future looks interesting...

The best is meant for the last...

Shaking my head slightly, I cleared my mind of such thoughts. The last thing I need right now is to think about the far future, when I don't know my next move.

I couldn't help, but look at life from a different view.

When I woke up here, everything seemed foreign and mysterious.

This large five bed-roomed house, looked like something else, but now I can name everything in it.

Including the magazines in the hallway...

The single towel in the bathroom.

One king sized bed, one black blanket, one white pillow and no food in the house.

The house itself, says, "What is done, is done, forget me and move on,"

Dean was the King of One Night Stands....

He is worse than me.

From this day on, I won't ever go around messing with girls.

I had my reasons in my old life, but now there is none.

I am a changed man... just a little.

Well, Dean was always someone who trained a lot, even more than me.

He would do, push ups, run 30 km, crunches, sit ups, pull ups, lunges, planks, arm rows and plenty of other work outs I don't know off. 

Anyways, the truth is Dean is loaded with money, which he gets from his siblings monthly.

He was not an elite at birth, but 12 years ago his life changed for the worst.

You may be wondering why the worst, not the better?

Dean was just a regular 13 year old boy, who liked playing, [Rise of a Hero] and other RPG games on his computer.

It is not really surprising, but he was the only player of Rise of a Hero and the Rest of the world played, [Tower State Of Immortals].

Tower State Of Immortals, was a virtual reality game, which paid its players.

Dean's twin brother Denzel and his younger sister Dione, where top players at [Tower State Of Immortals] and used to ask Dean for advice.

Dean being the good brother he was, he would help them as playing [Rise of a Hero] needed more mind than muscle.

Dean never once played [Tower State of Immortals], out of fear of being stuck in the game, like what he read about in Novels.

But on the Summer of 2023, twelve years prior to now, the game became reality.

I'm sure you must have heard stories with a similar start, but I will say it other wise.

On the Night of July 4th, the whole world was enveloped in darkness for 3 days straight.

When the sun finally rose, the world was not the same as it was three days ago.

A large golden tower was floating up in the sky, its top was a mystery as no single soul alive could tell where it ended.

The geographical structure of the world changed and the Earth expanded by 20%. A new purple moon started circling the obit of the Earth.

But instead of fear, the people where filled with joy as everyone knew what it was.

Tower State of Immortals, had became real..

It was a game played by the whole world, except for Dean Evester.

People who played the game, started to merge with their game characters and obtain all the skills they had in the game.

To enter the Tower, players had to inject their mana into the Tower cubes which appear randomly across the world.

And a player who already entered the Tower, can use something called a tower ticket to enter the Tower again.

Humans didn't waste a single day and started climbing the tower.

Top ranked players, which had already created guilds were in the front of the pack and quickly cleared the Tower's first floors.

Players were able to Level up, thanks to the EXP points, obtained from killing monsters both inside and outside the tower.

However, thanks to obtaining the power to Level up through kills, humanity went crazy and people began killing each other.

Political leaders were taken down and criminal activities, increased by each day.

This resulted in a civil war happening between the side that sided with evil and the side that chose justice.

Countless lives were lost, resulting in humanity losing half of its population.

The war finally stopped when a race called ghouls escaped from the tower's 20th floor, two years later.

Ghouls looked similar to humans, and for one to tell the difference, a fight must occur first.

Ghouls use a deadly weapon known as a Kagune. This is their main hunting weapon and a vital organ for any ghoul.

A kagune is a claw like weapon, that protrudes from different areas of the ghoul's body, depending on which type it is.

There are four types of ghouls, with the bronze ranked ghoul being the weakest.

A bronze ranked ghoul can only increase its abilities at night and can only use a single Kagune.

It is followed by a Silver ranked Ghoul which to additional strength can use two Kagunes.

The Gold ranked Ghoul is the second strongest and can use more than 2 Kagunes.

The strongest is the Platinum ranked Ghoul, which was only spotted thrice before the Tower became reality.

As legend says, it possess the power to manifest a domain where it can use its Kagune, without it coming from its body.

Ghouls feed on blood and the more blood it drinks, the stronger it becomes.

With the coming of Ghouls, the humans were split into two parts.

The side which stands for justice and order, to protect people that calls themselves the Hero Union made up from the Player Association, Major Guilds, Shaolin Temple, Churches and Sects.

They possess 2 fifth of the world

The other 2 fifth goes for the side that seeks destruction and chaos, led by an unknown person in the tower and his group of minions which are the 5 Dark Guilds and the Mafia Gangs.

The remaining 1 fifth goes to the neutral side and to the monsters which started coming out of gates, after the Tower became real.

The neutral side consist of countries that didn't have a geographic change and are still in their positions.

Ghouls live among the three groups and just reap the benefits from the fights which happens.

With all this happening Dean, who didn't play the game, didn't became a player.

He spent most of his time, playing [Rise of a Hero] and shutting himself from everyone.

His Siblings, who bacome top ranked players at a Major Guild, sent him money, which he blow off at parties where people never showed up.

So Dean just used his handsome looks to flirt and have one night stands with different women.

Dean's parents died during the war and his siblings are the only thing he got as family.

Dean hates the fact that his siblings are the ones taking care of him and always try to push them away.

But, it doesn't work as his siblings care for him to much, to the point they got him a job as a teacher at Griffin Mage Academy.

Griffin Mage Academy is one of the only two Academies, that teach about magic and The Tower.

Griffin Mage Academy is located in Griffin City, which is less developed than the other cities owned by The Hero Union.

The strongest Human Player so far is some guy called Bon McCarthy, who is Level 403 and only thirty-six floors have been cleared in the tower.

What a bunch of rookies, I will show them how its done.

But, I have to do things, one can't enjoy once they became a Dark Mage and eat all the wonders talked about by the first Hero.

I am currently in Griffin City and I can already smell the food from out side my apartment.

I took a long bath in something called a tub, it looks like I was swimming in a small river, but this time I was sitting not standing. 

I put on white long sleeve shirt, with a pair of matching fitted pants, a black overcoat and a pair of nice boots.

Its time to look at the world my ancestor lived in.