Handsigns, spells and arts

I will be using ninjutsu handsigns

Water Element

Monkey, Ox, Hare, Boar, Dog, Bird, Dragon - [Water Element: Dragon's Head]

Monkey, Ox, Hare, Boar, Dog, Bird, Serpent - [Water Element: Gas Transformation]

Monkey, Ox, Hare, Boar, Dog, Bird, Tiger - [Water Element: Water Clone]


Serpent, Tiger, Ram, Rat, OX, Dog, Bird, Horse - [Healing Magic]


Time Element

- Horse, Ox, Bird, Tiger, Dog, Monkey, Spent

[Time Element: Slow]

Horse, Ox, Bird, Tiger, Dog, Dragon, Ram 

[Time Element: Short Teleportion]

Horse, Ox, Bird, Tiger, Dog, Boar, Rat

[Time Element: Point Reversal]


Shadow + Soul Magic

Ox, Bird, Ram, Rat, Monkey, Hare, Horse, Dog, Boar, Horse, Serpent, Tiger

[Shadow stealing Hands]


Repeated Dream→

A Pink Element spell that is created by a 2 layer Magic circle, that creates a never ending illusion of the same situation happening over again.



[20 Simulation Shadow Art→

An Assassin Art with two parts that bases around the Pink and Shadow Elements made by The Assassin of the Darklights.

The first part creates up to 20 Simulations using the user's shadow and the enemy's shadow which shows all the possible results of the match in a period less than one second.

Only one simulation can happen a day.

The second part is when the user's shadow cover's the User. 

When attacked with magic or physical objects the shadow can reduce the strength of the attack to eighty percent of its original power.

The shadow provides a ten percent boost to all physical stats and when there is no light the stats boost up to 30 percent. 

Soul power can be used if it is stored on the shadow. 50 souls give the user an extra life.

Ten percent more damage is done to the body if it is attacked by Light and fire Elements.]



[Hell cut Art→

A lighting and Dark Element sword style that gives the user the ability to slice through anything.]


[Heaven's Heart art→

A light and light all round art, that creates golden flames that eat everything.]
