Shadow Necromancer ²

I felt a strange pull that seemed to be attracting my body towards the pulsating portal.

I entered the portal and complete darkness enshrouded me for a second before I appeared inside a dark cave, illuminated with the white mana crystals

Mana Crystal, there are used for crafting weapons and infrastructure.

I heard that other people fell a weird sensation when they enter gates for the first, but I am not.

"So we are here to hunt trolls?"



A level 150 humanoid green creature that is the same size as a man that lives in caves or hills or under bridges in Groups lead by A Level 180 Troll Chief.

Trolls are known for never leaving dungeons and their fast regeneration.

Ordinary Trolls use clubs and arrows.

Troll Chief can use Magic spells with a nature related Elements]


Quinlan turned back and kept his emotionless expression, "I am here to hunt trolls, but you do know a lot for someone who is said to be 'Systemless'."

'Fuck this guy,' I forced a smile, "I always wanted to go into a Gate, as you said I am systemless."

"....." Quinlan just stared at me in silence.

For someone the same age as me, he is cold, cooler and stronger than me. I bet he doesn't need tricks like Dean to get girls.


I had to ask as his stare was getting weird. He didn't even bother to replay and started walking forward.

I walked behind him and tried to chat with him, "So what rank is our Guild?"

"If you mean my Guild, then it not ranked yet."

I knew it, this guy is one hell of an arrogant MF! I got shares in that Guild too.


"10 members are needed to form a Bronze ranked Guild."

"So when are we going to get the other 8 members?"

"I alone am enough to even bring down a High Ranking Platinum Guild."

Even though everything that comes out of his overbearing mouth sounds like shit, he is right.

The mana I sense from his body is no joke, even greater than The Academy Principal's by a long shot.

I wonder why someone like him was unknown all along, maybe he likes to keep it low like me or the fact that one of the Mafia Gang's Leader is a necromancer.

Nobody can sense my mana because of The Shadow Ant Art.


[Shadow Ant Art→

A shadow Element Art that hides the user's presence to that of manaless ant. Can only be found out if the users decide to show himself.]




As we got closer to the gave I could hear the sounds of Trolls talking and I stopped moving waiting for Quinlan's instructions.

Quinlan's purple eyes stared at me before he looked at the incoming trolls, "Find some where safe to hide."

I nodded and hid behind a rock, where I could see the whole fight.





The last troll couldn't finish it words as the Necromancer took a black katana from his inventory and precisely severed both the trolls' heads.

He charged towards the cave and I rushed towards the two dead trolls to take their mana as I watched the fight.



Arrows whistled through the air as the other trolls sensed the danger approaching, the black haired me destroyed all the arrows with multiple fast slashes.


A barrage of flame lit arrows were sent towards the young necromancer and I couldn't help but admire the trolls coordinated attacks.

As if waiting for that cue, a black cloaked figure escaped from Quinlan's shadow and shouted:

"Müsēvé wëchændø!"

The Mage summon just used a chant to cast a spell. Chants are considered the language of the God's and cost a huge amount of mana, but have great results.

Ice arrows started to materialized and where shot towards the incoming attacks and they did didn't stop there.



All the ten archer trolls where taken out by one attack.

–"Patati patata!"

Five trolls that were holding large metal clubs rushed towards the cloaked figure and black haired boy.

Quinlan channeled mana into his legs and dashed towards the incoming grotesque monster.


Quinlan's figure vanished and appeared right in front of the 5 trolls, before he made a wide arc with his black katana severing all of their bodies in half.

"Is he even a Necromancer," I muttered to myself as a leaped towards the dead archer trolls and kept my eyes on the fight.

Thud... Thud..

Vibrations were sent all over the cave as fifty Trolls started rushing towards the purple eyed man as they gripped their large clubs.

"Ora! Joth!" Quinlan shouted as two new human shadow fleshed figures come out of his shadow.

The two had similar figure, holding a spear and a twin daggers each.

"There are all stronger than him." I pondered as I looked at the mana of the two figures.

That's the difference between Shadow Necromancers and other Necromancers.

First of all, they use Shadows to bring back the dead, making them one hundred percent loyal. The shadows unlike other undead use their own mana instead of their master's like other necromancer summons.

"Voss go back,"

At its master's command The Mage summon jumped back into Quinlan's shadow.

"Ora don't get in the way." The dagger holding shadow said to the spear holding shadow.

"Same goes for you Joth," Ora smiled as his purple eyes lit up with joy.

"Too slow! Hahaha!" Goth rushed towards the incoming trolls.

"Damn you!" Ora followed through as mana started to gather around his spear.

The two quickly made work with the trolls as black flashes covered the air, whenever they made a kill.

One minute and 37 seconds is all it took to end all the trolls, leaving only the Chief troll alive.

Joth killed 27 and Ora killed 23. I was able to know the exact value because

of my super memory.

"You to go back I will take care of the Leader."

Ora and Joth dragged themselves into Quinlan's shadow, leaving the Necromancer

to face of the Troll Chief who was holding a small mage staff.


The troll shouted, as it shot two fire balls towards Quinlan, the Necromancer didn't waste his time and slashed the incoming attacks into nothing.


The Troll Chief didn't stop as it shot 5 Earth Arrows.


Quinlan smirked as he began channeling mana into his legs before leaped towards the Chief, before slashing it into to equal halves.

The Troll Chief's body turned into particles of blue light and disappeared living a necklace on the ground, which Quinlan happily picked.

I can't believe monsters drop items. Why haven't I got one? Am I that unlucky?

"Quinlan my man, you are so cool," I walked towards his direction with a smile plastered on my face.

He turned his head back with a serious look, "I am not your man and how did you get there."

I stopped smiling and kicked a troll's dead body, "Sure you are not my man, I am into woman."

"That doesn't answer the question."

Does this guy even know how to smile?

"You said, "Find somewhere safe to hide." And the safest place was near you." I said, as I stopped kicking the dead troll.

Quinlan stared at me in silence as he received a telepathic message from Voss.

["Master this human is strange, I can't tell if he is alive or dead."]


["He might be an undead, look at the ring on his right hand."]

When Quinlan looked at my hand his eyes widen opened and I couldn't help but chuckle and say, "It's cool right? I took it of a bet from a fellow teacher at the Academy."

"Was this teacher Stewart Waitforit?"

I clapped my hands, "Yes that's him and if he is your friend no that he is


"Stewart wasn't supposed to die around this time," Quinlan nodded, "He was my enemy. Who killed him."

Phew, I was already making plans to run the hell out of here.

"My twin brother Danzel,"

There is no way, I am going to tell him the truth. I am the weak handsome Dean.

Quinlan nodded and started talking with Voss.

["Voss is he telling the truth."]

["Sorry master, lie detection is not working on him."]

My whole life is lie, there is no way a stupid skill can tell if I am telling the truth or not.

I started moving to the other trolls, while wiretapping their telepathy.


["Master I will keep watch on him."]



At Quinlan's words more summons, most of them were human shaped with a less beast.

The summons started digging up the mana crystals and arranging the dead bodies, before they got in Quinlan's system storage.

My job was taken, just like that.

They said its faster as the gate closes 2 hours after Killing the Strongest Monster.


There are many places to sell Mana Crystals and monster corpses. Most of the shops that buy those thing have a connection with the Hero Union.

We went towards the 'Starlyte Seed Company' building to sell our lot. I must say that everything about them is world class.

From the stained class building to the robots that served us. It was looking into a not so distant future, compared to Griffin City.

Starlyte Seed does indeed deserve the title of the biggest independent company in the world.

Quinlan was kind enough to send me 20 560 Moz into my account and a free mana crystal for just for doing nothing, but I still don't like him