First Daily Quest


A light groan escaped Flynn's lips, as he started opening his eyelids to stare at the bright ceiling, while the smell of lavender entered his nostrils.

'Are this the effects of leveling up.'

Flynn forced himself to sat upright, as his entire body felt heavy than usual. Compared to the lightness he felt when he would normally wake up, something had changed. It was like he was not even in his own body.

"You are awake Flynn?"

Slightly surprised by the soft voice that spoke to him from the side, Flynn turned his head towards the red haired woman and opened his mouth.



The woman widened her eyes from shock. She couldn't believe that she finally heard her son's voice after ten years. She had already given up on the thought of hearing him speak again. Tears started to stream down Odessa's face, as she jumped from her chair to hug Flynn.

"Mother is everything... all... right?"