One of the strongest¹

[Jack The Ripper – An unidentified murderer in the 19th century in England]

[Zombification – Is when a person really turns into a Zombie after being bitten by one.]


The World's strongest person.

Bon McCarthy is the name that comes out of every mouth when they talk about the world's strongest.

But little do they know, that there are few people out there who keep themselves in the Dark, who are stronger than Bon McCarthy.

One of them is a man who has died countless times, more than he could even count, but always comes back in time each time he dies.

However, no matter the number of times he comes back to life, he is still unable to save the only family member he has.


A deep voice muttered, before a large translucent light green system window started to float in front of his purple eyes.


[Name: Quinlan Stinson

Job: Regressor