Saleos Vs Rox Dark Guild

"You will regret those words. Shooters open fire! You are allowed to use arrows and bullets made from system restraining stones!"

At the end of Samson's words, the ten armored man carrying guns and bows, started to unleash a relentless barrage of attacks upon the young man, each shot was strong enough to knock down a single yeti.

Boom, boom, boom~!!

However, as if the young man was also firing back, every single attack fired by the armored man was blown away, before it was an inch away from him.

"He must be using an item to block our attacks. Those holding other weapons attack! Sharp shooters keep on firing! I will put on a good word for whoever kills him to my brother! How dare he, destroy our favorite brothel!"


As soon, as Samson's words faded a loud battle cry was released by the thirty-four men who charged directly at the young man.