I am such a moron!

1 platinum coin = 100 gold coins

1 gold coin = 100 silver coins

1 silver coin = 100 bronze coins

1 bronze coin = 100 copper coins


A strong foul entered my nostrils as I walked through the Gambling Den.

"Everyone here should take a bath."

Growing up in a brothel where cleanness of the body is always put first and then going to Earth were hygiene is like a basic, this place smells like shit.

My words seemed to have entered one of the gambling adventurer's big ears, as he tried to grab my shoulder from behind.

"You Fucker! What did–!"

I stepped aside, letting him grab thin air while he staggered to find footing. The adventure quickly turned back and met my eyes.

'Isn't that Dean? How did he managed to dodge?'

He gritted his teeth with rage, and tried to throw a punch at my face, I smiled as I gave him the [Silent Slap] on his cheek.
