Weak Dean¹

"♪When the Villain is inside, you better not let it come out♪"

Singing as the smoke cleared out, the remaining 220 adventurers gripped their weapons weakly in my direction.

The look in their eyes, was one of my favorites.

Fear mixed with anger.

"Those that want to join my boss in creating a Kingdom can go to my left and those that want to fight me go to my right.'

The adventures glared at me for a feel seconds, before the one who was standing at the back shouted.

"What about those that want to go home!?"

Can you believe this guy?

I frowned underneath my mask and roared.

"Then go home, this is no place for sissies! We are planning to take over this place Hitler style!"

Another ugly adventurer asked,

"What is a Hitler?"

"Shut up! If you fuckers don't start moving I am going to kill you all!"

The adventurers started rushing either home or to my right. No one dared to move to my left.