I Can't Sleep here (R18)


[Warning the following chapter may be hazardous to health if read by people under the age of eighteen.

Thank you.]


Looking at the blond haired girl that fallen deep asleep, Dean couldn't help but frown his face.

He had tried to wake her up countless times, but she showed no signs of escaping the dream realm.

He had clean the place together with his clothes using, Cleanse Magic and was now at the moment he feared the most.

He knew if Irma didn't wake up soon, he would teleport to Weak Dean's house and sleep, making him wake up alone.

'I want to change.'

It had became an old habit that whenever he woke up, Dean would always in found himself alone, ever since his mother died and if he really thinks about it, the only person he ever woke up next to was his mother.

'I should make her breakfast in bed, by then she would be awake.'