Azrael Adversary 1

If one properly looks at the map of the Demon Realm they can see its almost shaped like a teapot. The Demon Realm is separated into three parts. The first part is the outskirts of the Demon Realm where Demonic beast stay.

After that there is are civilized cities of the Demon Realm where all Demons stay under the Rule of the twelve Arch-Demons.

And This Arch-Demons are the only Demons who are allowed to see the Demon King Castle that is near the Western Sea, besides his families.

Today in Arch-Demon Raaya's territory which is closer to the Aurel Empire than any other territory.

A group of Demons who patrols the area and see if the Demonic beast are properly controlled were leisurely walking around the outskirts which is the bottom part of the teapot.