End Of The Chase

Seeing the dead Advanced Demon on the ground the other Demons became more on guard, as they surrounded Azrael.

'It only took one attack.'

It was a thought that passed through each of their minds, as even their Lord wouldn't be able to do some like that.

"Let us try to seal his mana!"

As Robbert's shout the other Advanced Demons prepared to make magic circles from their feet, but the human in front them smirked and said.

"Too slow Dushmhatas."

Azrael quickly printed hand signs and moved both his palms towards the ground, before small marks come from the place he was holding, as they rushed at a lighting speed to cover all of the Demons bodies.

[Restraint seal → Seals every movement from figures around the caster, for a period of of five minutes.]

'A Villian.'