The Imperial family

It was a busy day for the Imperial Knights who were preparing to get ready to face of the Demons in the Demon Realm.

A whole month training had taken place and the one who was leading the training was the strongest person in the Aurel Empire Marquiess Breakston.

The knights together with some mages were waiting for the Imperial family to show up, so they would use the teleportation card to leave for Western Net country.

There were a total of 200 knights led by the vice in command of the Imperial Knights Chris Dyke who is a Level 605 Master rank Aura user who uses a rapier.

Chris is not very good looking with his short dark brown hair and matching eyes, on his short diamond shaped face, with slightly pale skin.

There were a total of twenty mages who were in green robes led by Mark Mars who is the youngest person to reach the fifth circle at the age of thirty-four and he is Level 431.