I will make you mine.

"By the way, why were you looking for me Dante?"

"We received a report from the Imperial Knights that the Imperial Princess did not show up for dinner, so they asked us to look for you since they had to rest for the battle tomorrow."

"So how did you find me."

"There was a lot of movements coming from the outskirts of the Demon Realm, so I thought it was the act of the Demons."


Eileen stayed silent, as she admired herself.

'Heh, I am strong aren't I? It is a good thing he is the one who came to pick me up and now we are all alone, it is such a shame that we reached my cottage.'

Eileen moved her head towards Dante's pink tunic and started sniffing the scent of cherry blossoms that came from him.

'He smells so nice, I wonder if he taste good to.'

Eileen unwillingly moved her teeth towards Dante's tunic and bite it together with part of his skin, making the man groan in pain, before he asked,