Marriage Side Daddy

After collecting 200 Gold coins from the Ugly Bandit Gang, I decided to continue with my journey towards the Evester Manor and I am currently at the entrance to the Capell County, which is one of the Counties that is under the Evester Dukedom.

It is near night time and I need to find a place to sleep, so I am going to actually rent a house to sleep for the night, for the first time in five years.

I feel so thrilled.

"Hey! Where do you think you are going!?"

The man who was standing guard shouts in my direction and I ignored him as I continue to walk towards him. The black haired guard wasn't to pleased with my action and pulled away his long sword as he pointed it in my direction.

"State your business or I would be forced to make action!"

I raise my hands in the air and arrive near his position.

"I just need a place to sleep."

The guard looked me up and down.

"Judging by your dressing you must be from the Evester family."