Luka Evester 1

The bandit robber me per say collected another two hundred gold coins from those shameless bandit group that wanted to take another man's staff, seriously have they run out of staff to rob.

Since the Lock down has been lifted it was easy to enter the Auret County and because the man in this place are slightly wiser than those fools from the Capell County I am not going to do anything to them.

Truth is that Count Auret is trying to take down the Evester family and become the next Duke, which is a stupid idea like his name Verme which literally mean worm in Italian.

"Sir are you going to order anything?"

I woke up from my day dreaming and muttered the first thing that came to thought.

"Give me everything you have."

"Are you sure about your order Sir?"

"Yes, how much is it."

"Fifty-four gold coins"

I handed the waiter the money he needed and looked at the place I hate the most.

The Auret train station.