Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea 2

"Are you ready to beg for your life little brother."

Looking at Dane's smug face I couldn't help but shake my head a few times. Why did Juliet even tell him that he has a younger brother?

I smile back at him and say,

"You just don't have that kind of talent big brother."

My face started cringe at the last part of that sentence which made me question my sanity a few times.

"I must say over the months I didn't see you, your mouth has grown quite big Dean or should I say Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea Evester."

I snorted in reply.

"It is a cooler name than yours."

Dane frowned his big face.

"At least I can look father in the eye, something only the Holy ten can do."

Should I tell him that I once clashed swords with him in the past, even though it was loss on my part, I did something none of this half siblings of mine can do.

I rubbed my chin a few times.