Next time I won't point a finger(R18)


Summer broke the kiss and quickly hid her face on Dean's chest as she said.

"Is this how a kiss feels like? For a minute I thought I was in heaven, ah! More like that, can I kiss you again?"

Dean smiled and kissed the mark on her forehead before he replied,

"You can kiss me any time you want, you Don't have to ask."

Summer shyly said.

"It is just that it sounded so sexy in my head."

"I know, right? Well when you said that it became more sexy, by the way my name is Dean not Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea, sorry I lied."


Seeing Summer's angry face Dean quickly got worried and begged.

"I am sorry, it is just that if I use my real name Luke would have killed me at the moment."


"Summer is there something I can do I to make you forgive me?"

"Just shut up!"


Seeing that Dean had complied with her command Summer inwardly smiled while she locked her hands on his neck.