
♪You wanna keep me concealed, just like I was a weapon, I didn't come for a fight but I will fight till the end, this one might be a battle, might not turn out okay♪

With a song playing in my crazy mind, I walked out of Summer's mansion with Motherfucker next to me, making me ask.

"Why are you following me?"

Luka answered with a straight face.

"Mom was worried about you, so I followed you to make sure something won't happened to you."

If they can hurt me, then what can they do to you who can't use mana? I shook my head and patted the young man by the head.

"Thank you, but you have to stay by my side, until I reach Lady Purple Moon's manor."

"Understood Dad."


Luka gave me a sharp smile as he hugged me by the side.

"I can tell that there is something special between you and mom, so I will just call you 'Dad'."

"...Sure do whatever you want."

"Thanks Dad."