Two Decades in Prison

Someone once told me that, "If you stay too long in the darkness, your eyes start to adjust to the darkness, until you start to see light, but what you see is not light, it is just an illusion that you made yourself to think that you are seeing light. "

A person's eyes might see light everyday, and they might have a pit of darkness in their hearts, but when one sees darkness, it becomes the only thing in their hearts.

But for me when my eyes adjusted to the darkness they met someone who was chained up the same way as me. He looked to be on deaths door at first but after one year he looked even more lively than me.

He grew stronger everyday and kept on pushing through the pain, until his body stopped growing, unlike a normal human.

If I were to describe him in words then I would say, "I have never seen such a crazy person in my life."