Our Last Kiss

Since our class was in the bottom four, we didn't have seats like the first four, so we just stood behind the talented ones in silent.

Only a number of people were chatting with each other, which was only obvious, because it was their first time seeing each other, but unlucky for my fiance and I we couldn't have that time to ourselves.

"So you two only started dating last week, yet you are already engaged to each other, isn't that kind of rushing it a bit?"

It was the voice of that annoying little human Boyle who apparently is in the same class as us. The moment he saw us he rushed over saying that no one would suspect a thing. It was not like, I was trying to hide my relationship with Kujiro. Let the world know! I don't care!

We ignored Boyle since he was meddling into other people's business. Find a life human!