A Sky kinda Loving (R18)



Rossi didn't wait long until a boy with wavy brown hair and sky blue eyes opened the door. In her eyes there was nothing arousing about him and for all the times she didn't find him one bit aroused by the girls in class. Platonic if she put it to words.

Seeing that someone was on his doorstep, Sky had to kick them out, just like the previous visitors.

"Urchin is not here."

Sky was about to close the door, when Rossi touched the door with a serious expression.

"I am here to see you."

Sky's eyes blinked a few times, as he is not the type to get visitors, but that only made him frown deeper.

"What do you want?"

"Can't I get in and let me talk about it inside."

"In whose apartment?"

Rossi was amazingly shocked with all the responses she got from Sky, he was beyond the levels of rude and it would take ages for him to allow her in, if she didn't use her big cards.