What happened next?


Like a virus had invaded a computer the world started twisting, before it broke into fine shards of glass, which pulled me out of Rossi's mind.

"Huff... Huff... What happened next?"

I had ran out of mana, but I still want to know what took place.

"It's been a while Dean."

Even though the voice had gotten a little deeper than I thought, I was still able to recognized it. I started feeling aroused by it. I wasn't surprised since when I was in Rossi's memory I was leaving as her and feeling what she felt.


I threw up as the memories were repeating themselves, like I was watching some sort of free p*rn. I hate that spell! Why! Just why do you, do this to me Rossi!?

Seeing my dazzled state the visitor touched my back with worried face and the moment my eyes looked into his sky blue eyes, I blushed violently, due to Rossi's feelings.

"Dean are you alright? Is it the cold weather."