The Second Page

Thud... Thud... Thud...

Another group of black goblins were quickly taken care of by the young Evester who was now covered in their blood. He didn't move away from his spot and all his adversaries kept on coming to him instead. Using the power of his little mind her was able to figure them out and his body wasn't that much fatigued.

Switching his weapon back to a golf stick, the young Dean waits patiently for his adversary to arrive. Unlike the last time this black goblin was a different from the others he killed during the past few hours.

"Lord black goblin, eh? No big problem."

It had three shape ears on each sides of his face. Even though all black goblins are ugly, anyone could tell that this one was older judging by its face. Its weapon was a small spherical pot which was burning all over.

'That is the power of magic. It is awe-wait for it-some. I need it so bad.'