You are a psychopath

"Mmm, so only five countries are left. That is too bad, I wanted to destroy the U.S.A myself."



"I grew up in L.A, my parents were caught by members of the C.B.I."



"I was only five years old and that is when I made my first kill."



"He pointed his gun at me first, but I didn't kill him for something stupid like that."



"I killed him because he was my mother's rapist, he came around the house when my father was not around and he would threaten her that he would report to the police that she was a killer. My mother being who she was basically agreed, but I didn't.

You want to know why?"

All the masses standing in the stadium couldn't say anything to Saleos. Different emotions played around in their hearts, fear, pity and respect, but the tattooed man standing on the podium had an indifferent look.