Life After Death ( Volume Prologue) 2

"I am sorry... for judging you and staff."

"Huh? Is something wrong with your head? I know you don't get sick in this place, but something is really wrong with–"

I halted my words as the serious face on Dean meant he was not fooling around. I guess stepping in my shoes can make a man change, even I changed a lot after getting this pink haired body.

"I am sorry too... for calling you are a bean stock head and some other inappropriate staff."

"Eh? You!"

Hyo, hyo, hyo, look at this guy. I still want to punch him, from back when we first met, but I will just put that behind me.

"Come on man, we are all dead let us put the past behind us."

"Ah... you... you..." Dean raised his mouth up and down a few times. Did he honestly think I wouldn't hold a grudge against him.

"Your feelings towards me are understandable. We should turn over a new leaf as reasonable adults."