A Long Time Ago 1

"The judgement shall now begin!"

What judgement? This is crazy. I wanted to run away, but I clearly knew that was a foolish idea. I just took a sit at the edge of the scale balance and waited for what was about to come next.

The voice released a humming sound, it was probably shocked at how cool we were with the current situation. We were dead so there was no further need for resistance.

"... It looks like you are prepared for whats to come, Dean. I would except no less from his reincarnation."

'Can he not see me?'

I asked myself. The voice didn't seem to care about me at all. Maybe it is because I was a game character first before becoming a human.

'Does this mean my judgement is the same as Dean?!'

I couldn't let that happen, but I didn't want to alert the pair of golden eyes about my existence. I will rather stay silent and navigate the situation, maybe he is just ignoring me, after all no one can take their wealth to the after life.