God's P.O.V 1



This never happened before, or it is a part I just forgot.

"Would you stay here and be my friend, Dean?"

"Yes, I will stay here and be your friend."

That is the voice of three year old me!

"Press, [Start], Dean."

Before I could ponder out where I could find the start button, I was already lost in my own dream, as everything turned pitch black.


– "For how long has master been sleeping?"

– "It has been two weeks since he became like this. All the potions are not working either, you are his only student, do you know anything about this."

– "Master has been always mysterious, nothing about him makes sense. Don't worry he will wake up soon."

– "Really, he looks de-"

"I am not dead, Boyle." I said, as I regained back my consciousness, "How can you have so little faith in me? I am hurt."