From Today Onward, You Are My Wife 2

"Your Excellency, shouldn't you have been nice to the Union Chairman? He holds a lot of power, don't you know?"

I looked at the oblivious Flynn with narrow eyes, "As long, as I am still in the government, that bastard will keep working for the country, no matter what happens."

"How can you be so sure, about that?"

I took a deep sigh, "Why do you think the Prime Minister sent me to meet that bastard?"

Flynn didn't answer, and I continued, "It is because the Prime Minister knew that I am the only one who can handle that brother of mine. He might be the second strongest person in the whole country, but when I am around he is the third."

I am sure he is already looking at my background, and he must have asked his assistant to be his wife. I am sure about it, because Denzel doesn't like losing to me at all cost, he would rather do the crazy than lose to a guy like me.