The Press 2

Kids, do you want to know what is the hardest part about marriage?

It is that you have to lie that everything is okay, and if you are a popular person like me, it is even worse.

After having breakfast, well for me it was flushing the food down the toilet, Boyle decided to call the press, so that the Evesters can explain what is going on to the public.

People call us the vampire family, because we never grow old for some reason. That maybe true in some sense, I am stuck at 20, Cass looks like a 18 year old girl and Boyle looks like a 17 year old brat.

Together we have more than four million followers on social media, which is the reason why the press came running here, like a pack of hungry dogs.

'I prefer hunting monsters for a whole year than this!'

Boyle who was sitting between me and Satan (Cass) over there, stood up, and addressed the press first.