Touble In Paris 8

"Damn it!" Liselotte cursed, as she looked at the monster before her, "When are the reinforcements coming?"

There weren't coming. Her own Guild members are stuck in a traffic jam. It is more like the rival Guilds are making it that way.

If Liselotte dies then they will be able to take the number one spot for themselves, which is really a foolish thing to do.

Being number one comes with a lot of responsibilities, and honestly I think they don't deserve that tittle.

First they are not near strong as Liselotte, and they won't be able to maintain the number one spot, as many of the Guilds will also be aiming for it.

Liselotte death will lead into a Guild war in France, and not only that, but the whole economy would fall apart in only a few weeks.

This Giant Fox robot, is definitely after me and my dog, and if I were a person who cared about others, I would have already be jumping onto the fight now, but I am not.