She Kissed Me!

I woke up and for some reason, I felt reluctant to open my eyes. Judging by the small light rays, entering the room I was in, I could tell that it was near sunset. Between 17 : 45 and 18 : 30, a time only legends like me get out of bed.

I felt something soft with my hand, sleeping besides me. I felt hyped, as I waited twenty years to wake up next to a woman.

'Cass usually wakes up when there is no sunlight, which mean...'

'I can finally kiss her!'

I passed out last night, and I could tell she wanted to actually kiss me for reals.

'This is my chance!'

Moving my head up, I directed to myself towards her cherry lips. The moment our lips connect, I felt...

"What the hell?" I finally opened my eyes, and blinked a few times at the person next to me, "Why are you in my bed?"


"Hey, answer me, jackass!"

"Oh my, I never thought a day you would make a move on me, would arrive. I will make it our little secret."