Boyle's Perfect Woman

A few minutes earlier.

"Come on Dean, you can't be serious." Ross holds my shoulder, as I reached the mouth of the gate, "If something happens to you then, the Prime Minister might act on us guilds."

"Stop being a chicken, nothing is going to happen to me anyway."

The two male Guild leaders just hold the back of their heads, as they couldn't believe what I was saying. They didn't want to enter the gate without preparation.

"We are going to be fine, there is no way that guy would attack me."

"How do you know that?!" Ross was shaking me up, that I felt a little dizzy, "Are you an alien or something?! How can you be friends with monsters inside a gate?!"

For an unknown reason, I felt enraged by Ross. He didn't agree to exchanging wives for a day, and now he is now shaking me like an old t.v with a bad signal. I hit him on the head, and he fell to the ground.